Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Act of Kindness

Lucia Bennett visits her uncle regularly. He lives in Isabella and enjoys the special time he spends with his niece. Over time Ms. Bennett noticed the residents who didn’t seem to have visitors. Her heart went out to them and she came up with an idea to make their holidays happier. Ms. Bennett approached her church members, friends and family for donations to create a gift package. She then purchased hand and foot cream to present to men and women residents who might be missing their loved ones during the holidays. Volunteer seniors helped her make up 100 packages which were distributed to residents. Upon receiving a package, one resident exclaimed, “Who did this?” A hug expressed her happiness. Another resident was so thrilled she pressed the gift to her heart.
Lucia Bennett plans more of the same gift-giving for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, too. 

Isabella appreciates the generosity of family and friends who think of ways to make our residents feel at home.
